Do you have a WordPress site hacked or a malware virus infected or blacklisted in google? And you looking for a quick solution to clean Malware from your Site?
No worries you’re at the right place!
☛ Here’s what you get from the Package:
☛ WP-Cleanup
☢ -Malware Removal & Files Cleanup of 1 WP site.
☢ -Backdoor, Google Blacklist/ Red Warning Screen Removal
☢ -Fix Chinese Japanese keyword hack
☢ -Redirecting pages to unwanted sites
☢ -Fix search result
☢ -Restore Defaced WP Sites
☛ WP Security
☢ -User Accounts & Login Security
☢ -Firewall & Comment SPAM Security
☢ -User Registration & Database Security
☢ -File System Security
☢ -Blacklist & Brute force login attack prevention
☢ -Upgrade Plugins & WP Installation
☢ -WP Performance & Speeding up
☢ -Wordpress Site Clean Backup
☢ -Many Advice Prevent Your Site from Being Hacked